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The Science Behind Permanent Girth Size Enlargement


The science behind permanent girth size expansion remains controversial; most methods claiming to be a real way to increase your size permanently lack scientific support for their effectiveness. Here, we explore some popular techniques:

Jelqing Exercises are intended to increase blood flow to the penis and potentially result in size increases; however, there is limited evidence supporting its efficacy as an effective means of permanent girth size enlargement; most studies on jelqing have been anecdotal or relied upon self-reported data, making their conclusions unverifiable.

Penis pumps:

Penis pumps work by creating a vacuum around the penis and drawing blood into its tissues - potentially leading to temporary size increases or permanent growth in some users, although the scientific proof for such claims remains lacking. Temporary size gains produced by penis pumps due to blood engorgement rather than actual tissue growth can often cause temporary size gains.

Traction Devices (Penis Extenders):

Traction devices operate based on tension-induced tissue growth. In various studies, these devices have proven their efficacy at lengthening the penis temporarily while more research needs to be done to ascertain whether these traction devices can create permanent increases in girth size enlargement.

Supplements: There is limited scientific support for using supplements for permanent girth size enlargement. Most studies on penile growth supplements were conducted on animals, so their results may not directly translate to humans. Further investigation needs to take place to ascertain their efficacy in helping achieve permanent girth size expansion.

Surgical Options:

Certain surgical options, including dermal fat grafting or penile implants, have been shown to successfully increase penis girth. While they have shown lasting success in expanding how to increase your size naturally, there can be potential risks and complications from these procedures; additionally, they tend to be expensive and invasive - making surgical options less desirable options for many individuals.

Overall, the science of permanent girth size enlargement is poorly established and most methods purporting to achieve permanent results have limited scientific evidence backing their efficacy. Therefore, it's essential that one maintains realistic expectations while prioritizing sexual health and well-being over how to increase your size goals.


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