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The Secret to Permanent Girth Size Increase: A Comprehensive Guide


Although no scientifically proven solution exists for a real way to increase your size permanently, people have tried various approaches in an attempt to achieve temporary or potentially long-lasting effects. While this comprehensive guide outlines various strategies, their efficacy and safety are not guaranteed; always consult a healthcare provider prior to trying any of the strategies listed below.

Jelqing, an ancient Middle Eastern technique, involves massaging your penis to increase its size. To perform jelqing, lubricate your penis with oil before using your thumb and index finger to form a circle around its base with your thumb pressing down lightly on it with index fingers to form another circle around its shaft, applying pressure while moving upwards just short of your glans until stopping just before your glans - repeat this motion for several minutes daily!

Penis Pumps

A penis pump is a device that utilizes vacuum pressure to draw blood into the penis and make it appear larger. Although typically used to treat erectile dysfunction, penis pumps may temporarily increase girth as well. Although its effects will fade over time, typically up to several hours.

Penile Traction Devices

Penile traction devices, or extenders, apply a gentle stretching force to the penis which could potentially result in size increases. Some studies have demonstrated this, showing how using one for several hours daily over several months led to modest length increases but evidence regarding how to naturally increase girth was less evident.

Dermal fillers or fat injections may be used to temporarily increase penile girth. A medical professional will inject either synthetic filler or their own fat directly into the penis for injection, producing a temporary increase in size that typically lasts several months before your body breaks it down and absorbs it naturally.


Penile surgery is another viable solution for those looking to increase girth. One method involves cutting the suspensory ligament that connects the penis to the pubic bone, enabling it to hang lower and appear larger. Another surgical process entails adding fat or other tissue onto the penis itself to increase its size.

Lifestyle Changes Although lifestyle choices do not directly affect girth, making healthy decisions can lead to improved sexual health and function. Maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercising, managing stress more effectively, and forgoing smoking or excessive alcohol consumption all play key roles in improving both erectile function and sexual satisfaction.

real way to increase your size naturally

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